Wednesday, February 11, 2009

100 Push-ups week 1

I have finished my first week of push-ups. It’s pretty hard, I’m not sure I can keep going at this rate. I’ve also been doing the sit-ups routine at the same time so maybe that’s why. I’ll give it one more week to see if I can keep up.
Going to Atlanta for the weekend so I don't know if I'll be able to train there but I'll make sure I do a run or two to keep the heart rate up.
Original article.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

10 reasons why I think I can live without my TV

So my TV died this morning. I did my usual routine, got up, had a glass of water, made coffee, ran for 30 minutes, took a shower, sat down to watch the morning news with my freshly brewed joe, turned on the TV, turned on the TV, turned on the TV... Damn, it's broken. I'll admit it, there was a short moment of panic.

Let's face it, TV is an American icon. Everybody has one, or three. When I was groing up in France, we only had one TV and three chanels. TV was more of a family affaire, tonight is western night! Eat early (at the table of course) and then settle down for special familly time in front of the tube. It's different here. TV is part of US culture. I'm sure times have changed in France as well, but when I go back it's not the same feeling.

Can I go without my TV? I have no idea... I'm not planning on getting another one any time soon, so I've been thinking all day about things I can do to fill in all that time I was spending on the couch watching subpar programs.

Here's a quick list I came up with:

1. Blog - I'm new at this but now seems like the perfect time to do it consistently.

2. Exercise - It must be a sign! As I'm dedicating more time to my body fitness, my TV goes out of service. Thanks for the help silver screen, I get it.

3. Get out of the house - I know I work a lot during the week and I try to go to bed early, but I believe it would do me much good to walk down to the coffee shop with the laptop and spend an hour outside my appartment.

4. Call my friends - I am terrible at keeping in touch. People will leave me voicemails and I will never get back to them. Take five minutes and make a round of phone calls just to say "hey, how have you been?"

5. Music - My number one passion in life, now I can listen to it all them time. Just got the Zune pass too so there are unlimited possibilities.

6. Start a project - I used to do this one all the time in college, except back then it was to avoid classes and homework. Now I can spend more time building things again.

7. Read - I do it every night, but most of the time I'm so tired that after two pages my eyes are already closed. Kind of hard finishing a book two pages at the time.

8. Cleaning - Wow my house is dusty...

9. Walks - I live downtown Raleigh and there are so many things to do and see downtown. No need to spend money, some of the buildings alone are worth the stroll.

10. Make money - Anybody wants to buy a big TV for repair?

Could you do it?


Technorati Profile

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

New year, new plan, new me

Last time I worked out was in college, clocking in @ 150lbs with nice abs. That was five years ago. My body handled the rest well for a while but then around 25, it started showing signs (read curves) in random places. There was this one short period two years ago when I went to the gym five times a day, but that was just the result of my ex breaking up with me and running like a mad man on a treadmill was all I could do not to go postal on everyone around me. It lasted 2 months. Back to collecting Glycerols and fatty acids. Today I'm 170lbs, nice fluffy belly, drooping love handles and I can't fit in my jeans. My girlfriend always asks me why I need new jeans, "you just got a pair!" Well, honestly it's because they're a little tight around the waist, again. At 28, I'm turning the page, time for a new chapter.

The Plan
The plan consists of three different elements found around the web. But mostly all of it was inspired by Leo Babauta's blog

1) From couch to 5k in 8 weeks - This is a combination of interval running/walking from and DJ Steve Boyett's free Podrunner mixes found on his site in the form of podcasts.

2) The hundred push ups training program - Six week training program to complete 100 consecutive push ups. This is to define abs, triceps, shoulders and torso.

3) The two hundred sit-ups training program- Six week training program to complete 200 consecutive sit ups. This is to increase core strength, physical performance, as well as maintaining good posture and preventing injury.

So far today
This is the third week of couch to 5k. I didn't post before because I wanted to be sure I was committed before sharing to the world. I'm not going to lie, the first two weeks were excruciating. Combination of bitter cold and five years of bare minimum walking did not help. But I got through it, even waking up at five a.m. on occasion to make sure I went out there and got my blood flowing.

Here's a few stats:
1st week - 1 mile in 20 minutes, mostly walking
2nd week - 2.5 miles in 20 minutes, half walking
3rd week - ~3 miles in 30 minutes, mostly running

I don't consider myself a pro-runner yet but what an improvement! Yesterday I felt pretty good physically so I decided to add the next two components: push ups and sit ups.
These two programs work on a three day per week method with one day rest in between.
So I started on the push ups. First an initial test is required:

The red is me, not bad I thought! I'm not at the bottom...but then came the fist day chart:

I did it! Even though I'm dragging my arms today, I completed day 1. Will I be able to do 100 push ups consecutively in 6 weeks? Time will tell. Tonight is sit ups.

I've changed quite a few things in my life all at the same time. Most people will disagree with my way of tackling this problem saying to much at once and you will be discouraged. Well this is what works for me. It's like going to the dentist when you have more than one cavity. Do you want to come back several times to hear that drill? Not me, I'd rather suck it up and get it all done at once.
I've also changed my eating habits but remember I'm French. This is probably the hardest part of this ordeal. I suck at cooking/eating "healthy" (nothing wrong with a little cream). If any of you have tips on this matter, I would really welcome your feedback.

Stay tuned for weekly updates

Useful links - one of the most inspiring blogs on the net - I keep all my running stats on here and share it with others in my area - Get all your podrunner mixes here. 5k, 8k, 10k or 135bpm to 180bpm - Full 6 week program - Get a Zune and start training ;)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Originally uploaded by romric7

The girls hanging out at Nayo's place. It took us a while to recoupe after the big night/morning. This was truly a great new year's eve.

Atlanta skyline

Originally uploaded by romric7

This is the view from across the bridge. We took a stroll on foot to go fill up the liquor cabinet.